
Humor Improves Instruction

Welcome teachers and other blog surfers,

This blog was created as a graduate school assignment for a course titled Humor and Adult Education. I know you are wondering, why you didn't have a requirement like that in grad school. Don't begrudge me, I didn't design the curriculum at NIU.

It is my goal to educate you (hopefully you are all adults) while discussing humor research (trust me it's not an oxymoron) in a humorous way. Now say that ten times faster! Hopefully, you will pick up a strategy or two that helps students learn more effectively, while making teaching more entertaining.

So sit back, strap on your seatbelt, hold onto your hat. I plan on taking you for a ride.


A Funny Teacher (or at least one who tries to be.)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Humorous Educator's Final Exam

So, you have been following these blogs for the last few months, it is time to see how much you have learned. No worries, we are not going to collect any scores or turn anything in to your supervisor. However, if you do well, you may want to print off a copy and drop it in your principal or department head's mailbox. You could wrap it up in a large box with holiday paper and a note that reads, "you are so lucky to have me on staff because I am one funny and effective educator!" Caution: This type of self-promoting humor may not be considered funny to all people, so exercise caution when sharing documentation. 

So, you think you are a humor expert, or not but you have just following this blog for fun and now wonder what is in store for this entry. I am here to administer your Humor Final!

1.) What are the three main humor theories?
a.) Superiority
b.) Incongruity
c.) Narcissistic
d.) Relief
e.) a,b,d
f.) all of the answers.

2.) What does the word humor actually mean in Latin?
a.) Wet
b.) Like a dog's nose.
c.) Moist
d.) Swampy
e.) b,c,d, but never A.

3.) Spontaneous Humor is best used when...
a.) going to the bathroom.
b.) teaching a new method.
c.) arguing with your spouse.
d.) here, there, everywhere.
e.) nowhere???

4.) Which of the following guidelines was not presented by Goodman (1983) in how to be purposefully humorous?
a.) Eye of the be(hoho)holder
b.) Discover the elf in yourself
c.) Get With it
d.) Follow  the rules of the 5Ps- Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice.
e.) Be cooky, not spooky

5.) Lefcourt (2000) discusses 5 aspects of a presentation, which can make it humorous.  Which aspect does the following story represent? " I hung the sign around my neck and put the back pack on. I wore these two pieces the entire night. It took a lot of GUTS for me to wear the backpack and the sign. It was not common for teachers to take risk to wearing something silly in front of the parents risking their professional persona.”
a.) Bisociation
b.) Incongruity
c.) Risk-taking
d.) Tension relief
c.) Absurdity in assessment

6.) Students always get a kick out of teachers slamming themselves, making fun of their own struggles and their own insecurities. This type of humor can be used by teachers to…
a.) create a sense of community.
b.) bring down their status to relate to students.
c.) get fired from their job.
d.) defend the statement that teachers go slowly insane in the classroom.

7.) Affliative humor can be used in the classroom to…
a.) distract students from tormenting the teacher.
b.) teach students how to behave correctly in a classroom.
c.) build community amongst the members of the classroom.
d.) Affiliative humor is not a real humor style. I made it up.

8.) True or False. Ronald A Berk wrote a book about humor, which can really help educators to make their classes more entertaining. The book is titled, “Professors are From Mars and Students are From Snickers. 

9.) In his book, Ronald A Berk (that professor from Mars) reminds teachers that:
It has been estimated (not sure by who) that people remember:
10% of what they hear
30% of what they see
60% of what they hear and see
80% of what they hear, see and do
________% of what they hear, see, do, smell, feel, taste, inhale, inject, and purchase on credit. What number belongs on the line above?

10.) Provine (2000) shared the high-fives of creating humorous classrooms. Which of the statements below is not one of his five?
a.) Interpersonal eye contact
b.) Casual, caring, safe environment
c.) Laugh-ready attitude
d.) Remove Social inhibitions
e.) Use humorous material
f.) All 5 are stated above and I am just trying to trick you.

So, how do you think you did on that quiz? It wasn't too challenging, right? No worries, I am sure that you did great. (If you didn't, you may want to start back at entry #1 and reread everything. Not only will you find it more informative, but you will also get another great round of laughs out!).

Okay... Here is the moment that you have been waiting for... the answers to the quiz. Remember no cheating, plus if you did, you would be cheating yourself, after all this is NOT a real quiz and will NOT be collected for a grade.

8. True
9. 100
10. f

So. Now you have the answers. You know all the answers to life's mysteries. You're welcome for that. Humor can help you in the classroom, workplace and in life. I can't think  of a more fun life strategy like a "laugh strategy!" So, when life hands you lemons, or the students drive you bonkers, when that one coworker just doesn't seem to blend in with the team or the parents of your students intimidate you. Turn to humor. When you have to gain the attention of a generation of ADHD students, or keep the attention of a generation of media driven adults who are more concerned with typing on their iphones or blackberries, turn to humor. When you have a difficult concept to teach, or a boring assessment to administer, remember humor is your friend. Not only is humor fun, but this blog has proven that it is research based! So, don't be a fool, find time for humor in your school. (Ok, so that was a little corny, but whatever...)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Learning by Way of Incongruity- Learning by Surprise!

This blog entry will attempt to link the theoretical to the practical in aims to help teachers/educators apply humor research to practice. In order to accomplish this fun task, I must first present some theory. However, since this is a simple a blog entry and not a full literature review ( thank goodness!), I am able to present theory more concisely, more informally, and in shorter form!  Therefore, I will attempt to summarize the main theoretical approaches to humor in layman's terms.  

An analysis of current research on the theoretical framework behind humor presents three strong themes. The first theme, superiority theory, was first presented by Thomas Hobbes in 1651. This type of humor is the one in which people are amused through the degradation of others.  The second theory is the relief theory best described by Herman Spencer in the 1800s as the conscious movement of a surplus of energy from a large space to a smaller one. Then there is the incongruity theory, which originated from James Beattie in 1776. The incongruity theory occurs when a situation, story or incident ends with an unexpected twist resulting in surprise or positive feelings. Therefore in layman's terms incongruity theory is built on the idea of what is unexpected or surprising is/can be amusing.  

No you are probably wondering,"How will I apply this fun theory to my everyday encounters in the classroom?" While all theories may play out in the school setting, from the perspective of the teacher, it may be better to focus on simply the incongruity theory. Incongruity can be presented in many different ways:
1.) Incongruity can be in lesson delivery.
2.) Incongruity can be in an educator's attitude.
3.) Incongruity can be hidden within an assessment.
4.) Incongruity can be in the anticipatory set of a lesson.
5.) Incongruity can be used in the examples given to explain a lesson or even in the types of resources brought in to explain the lesson.

Let's examine some different ways in which I have used incongruity to help DRIVE home a lesson.

It was my third year teaching 5th grade and with it comes the responsibility to teach the whole history of America! If you think that I am exaggerating, I am just letting you know right now that I am not. Fifth grade teachers in my district are expected to teach from the ancient civilizations of America to the present day conflicts taking place now in the U.S.  What I discovered early on was that my students were familiar with many notable historical events, such as: the revolutionary war, the civil rights movement, and the elections of the first African American president, however they have no idea in which order these events came. So, to help them out I do a little skit. I act out scenes from the ancient civilizations all the way through the present time. I use funny voices and actions and pretty much present a monologue to my students. For example, I may say the following,"The colonists hated their taxes/ tariffs because they were so high! So, in the middle of the night, the went down to the docks and snuck out onto a boat and started dumping tea into the Boston Harbor. What was that dat called? Boston Tea Party. Then, the British government retaliated by imposing the Stamp act, taking away more of the colonists rights to govern themselves and the imposing more taxes/tariffs on the colonists. A war broke out between the colonists and the British. What was that war called? American Revolutionary War. Thomas Jefferson and a few other important leaders started drafting a special letter to the King of the British letting him know that America was no longer under his rule. What was that special letter called? The Declaration of Independence." As I continue tell the story of the Americans winning the war, but then having disagreements amongst themselves about slaves.... I am acting out the story as I am telling it. I use voices, gestures, acting, questioning strategies and try to make it as dramatic as possible. 

This is where the incongruity comes into play. Students, teachers and educators alike, when asked to summarize the history of America, will turn to a short written piece that lays out the details or a time line of some sort.  No one expects their teacher to tell the whole history of America as if she were a real story teller with voices, actions, gestures, standing on chairs and declaring land with yardsticks. This incongruity acts as the attention getter in the body of the lesson. Students are drawn into the lesson, not know what to expect next from their teacher, because she is so unpredictable, so not only does their attention remain with you, but your acting skills, though good, are not par with the actors they see on TV, and therefore provide comic relief. Though they are laughing, they will have a hard time forgetting their teacher standing on a chair with a flag prominently planted on the chair declaring this land for the British.

Another example of incongruity in the classroom, can be used when you are giving an assessment. Picture this...
The students are reading through a math quiz that you have assigned them. When they come to the final question... It is the much dreaded question, because it asks students to not only solve a problem, but also to give an explanation of the steps you took, as well as the reasons why you took those steps. 

Students always want to put those essay type questions off until the end. However, that dread may be solved with a dose of humor. If students were to enjoy the questions that they had to solve, maybe they would be more excited to complete the task. Use funny objects, famous people's names, students in the class or unusual tasks an you have added an element of humor by adding the unexpected. Here is an example of a fun word problem.

Suppose we have a cube of cheese. This cube is divided into 27 small cubes of cheese, so it looks like a Rubik cube (3 x 3 x 3). Justin Bieber is a little mouse who wants to eat the whole cube of cheese. He starts eating the cube in the center, and then has to continue eating adjacent cubes. (Two cubes are adjacent if they share a face.) Can the mouse eat the whole cube of cheese?

You can find some other great ideas (math stories, movies poems, and fun stuff) at the website:

All different kinds of lessons can contain elements of humor. Most of this humor will stem from incongruity. Here are some videos of teachers teaching their lessons, using unexpected methods. From the content of the movies, you can tell that not only are the students engaged and enjoying themselves, they are also learning. Click on the links to watch these videos.

Finally, it is important to note that what is "learned with laughter is learned well" (Robinson, 1983, p. 121). As educators it is our responsibility to teach well. Teaching well means finding the best methods to make a lesson stick in the memories of students. When we use incongruity theory to enhance our lessons delivery, assessments, and assignments, we are using research based methods to build curiosity amongst students because they want to know what you (as the educator) will do next, thus increasing their interest as well as gaining and maintaining their attention 
(Keller, 1983). Can't think of a more fun way to accomplish all of that!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How to Create a Laughing Lounge

We have spent a lot of time talking about ways teachers can bring humor into the classroom. However, we have neglected to bring up that a teacher that is bogged down by stress may not have the capacity to be funny in the classroom. So, what's the medicine to cure such an ailment doc? Loomans and Kolberg (2002)  suggest some ways to Lighten Up the Lounge in their book, The Laughing Classroom.   The teachers' lounge can be a place of commodore or dread, a place of laughter or a place to lose your head! I know that the teacher's lounge, where I work, is a challenging place to feel happy. The outdated cabinetry, absence of windows and hodge podge of dishes and cutlery, are sure to loom a dreary feeling over its inhabitants.  However, I rarely miss an opportunity to meet up with my colleagues for lunch. Though this place is dreary, it is also a place where great stories are told, family lives are shared and bonding can occur.

So, how do we fight the drear of the lounge? Here are my favorite suggestions from Loomans and Kolberg (p.206):

1.) Bring jokes, magazines and other funny material.- This is a great idea to help people relax! Often times, teachers are sitting around the table perusing random magazines and papers that have been left behind. What if the material left behind was humorous? Surely, the mood would pick up and with it the conversations!

2.)If you have a refrigerator, put a gag item in it to surprise the staff!- This is a great idea and builds on humor theory and incongruity. If the staff is not expecting to find an unusual item in the fridge, then they will view it as extra funny! Hmm... What could that humorous item be: a rubber chicken with a sign in his mouth? An interesting stuffed animal of a sort, or just a random school supply like binders, put in the wrong place? In fact 5 years ago, we used to keep a yardstick in our fridge at work. Long story, but basically a door shelf was broken and the school district wasn't replacing the fridge, so a teacher took matters into his own hands and fixed it right up, by masking taping a yardstick into the door. Hay! At least we could use the condiment shelf again!

3.) Create a "tacky table" where you can display white elephant items- it is true, people are drawn to the unusual and generally the more yucky or weird something looks, the more humorous and interesting it becomes. We did a "white elephant" gift once at a staff holiday party. While the gym teacher wrapped up a pair of his old size 1 gym shoes turned christmas ornaments complete with hooks and all, the winner of the "white elephant" gift was actually two horses that seemed to have their noses in each other's private areas. It was interesting, inappropriate and a contradiction ( being porcelain, white and surely a children's toy), so by all means ridiculously funny!! It actually did make it to school for a day or two. What would make it to the tacky table in our lounge? Not so sure, be we have already started a junky table with junk that teachers no longer want, and therefore it is just all shoved on this bookshelf, looking junky. So maybe we are halfway there already.

4.) Occasionally, put something unexpected in the room to liven it up!- This is a great idea and is most often depicted as decorations for holidays or events. But let's think like humor experts! What would be something truly unique that could be added to the lounge to liven it up? It is fun, when the furniture gets all mixed up, or someone puts an odd ball furniture item into the lounge like an antique or just something ridiculously odd. Every year there is a group of teachers who go above and beyond to create a holiday atmosphere in our lounge. It always looks incredible and makes you feel incredible too!

5.) Donate stress thermometers and let teachers use them to check their stress levels. Now, I may be an idiot, but I have never even heard of a stress level thermometer before. However, it does remind me of a survival kit that many teachers give students at the beginning of the year with a little poem, to help them relax. It is called an emergency school survival kit. It would be interesting and fun to create a kit like that and keep it in the lounge to help remind teachers of the important work the do in their job. There are some ideas to the right about things that can be put into the survival kit. You may want to add some more additional items (like chocolate and candies), so teachers can eat them or use them. Keeping a marble in their pocket might remind teachers not to lose their marbles, or a paperclip might help them remember to keep themselves together!

So, the next time you pass through your teacher's lounge, think to yourself: what can I do to make this place a little brighter, happier, funnier? Look over this blog entry for some ideas or pick up the book The Laughing Classroom and turn to page 206 to get some more great ideas. Remember a laughing lounge, creates a happy teacher, a happy teacher, uses humor to help her kids' sense of belonging, motivation, attention and to help maximize their learning experience. Let's not even discuss what a mood lounge brings about.... there are too many benefits to names, so let's just lay back and smile!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Spontaneous Humor Versus Scripted Humor

There are many ways to use humor in your classroom. You can start with a comic strip, or a joke as the anticipatory set of the lesson. You can use an idiom or comical metaphor to thoroughly explain your point, or you can purposefully insert humorous items into a test or quiz. All of these examples of humor inclusion fall under the umbrella of scripted humor. This type of humor is reproducible, transferable, creditable, and almost always has a money back guarantee stamped all over it.

Then there is the other kind of humor. The more courageous, daring, witty, on the spot; spontaneous humor. This is the humor that just boils up from specific situations. It's the good stuff that you think of on the spot, at the moment where everyone had to be there to appreciate your true witty wisdom. You can't buy or organize or plan this type of humor. You just have to make it up. It could be an intriguing response to a comment, the body language that drives a point home, or great idea that just spurred up at the last moment and you took the gamble on it.

Both types of humor are needed to create a fun balance in the classroom. It is important to plan some humor into your everyday routines. I consider the scripted humor as the back up humor. I know that if I plan a fun activity, or I start off with a humorous grabber in a lesson, my basses are covered. However, it is in that moment that I make the witty remark, or use the spontaneous humor-filled example, that I truly know that I have got them ( I am talking about the students of course). They are captivated and hooked on each word. Then, I use my body language, the tone, cadence or volume of my voice to lure them in slowly to the topic of study. Before you know it, they are finding even the most mundane of topics, interesting, captivating and intriguing.

According to Barsoux (1996), "A TIMELY dash of humour quickly puts people at ease. It can serve as a way of disrupting the normally well-choreographed pattern of exchange between people of different ranks," Humor between a teacher and pupil aims to put students at ease. It is a metaphorical massage that loosens them up for the tough business of learning.

Therefore it may be the scripted humor that can be planned to grab a student's attention, but it is the timely spontaneous humor that keeps their attention and helps to develop the relationship between teacher and student.

In addition through spontaneous humor, Barsoux also explains how it can be used, "to break through that facade and find out their [the people you work with's] real concerns.' Humour therefore helps to disrupt 'scripted' exchanges, and to encourage meaningful contributions. It paves the way for more open, frank and constructive discussion." It is through a more open and frank discussion that teachers develop relationships with students, students become comfortable to have meaningful discourse with teachers, and educational topics become the path on which both and teacher and student together go exploring. This type of dynamic relationship between student and teacher is one that the great Latin American educationalist, Paulo Friere, described many times. You remember him for undergrad (the guy who said that students are not empty vessels waiting for teachers to fill up.) He spoke of the dynamic relationship that must exist between teacher and student through shared learning, in order for students (and teachers) to acquire a real education.

Supporting Barsoux's literature, Ramero and Cruthirds (2006), also supported that leaders must use humor to bring themselves down to the audiences level. Thefore, leaders are to start by laughing at themselves opening honest pathways of communications. Barsoux also reported that, "Their readiness to admit their own limitations makes them seem more human and approachable. It conveys the leader's willingness to listen, learn, and persevere." At the right moment, I spontaneously humor my students in a variety of ways. I willing joke about my own limitations (mostly in my inability to spell most 4th grade level words). I humor students about my own problems as a child with excessive talking and trips to the principal's office. I tell stories of my own struggles with my friends, coworkers (using no names of course) and parents. Through these funny stories, students start to see that I am a real person like them. We all connect at a more real level and humor is to thank for that connection.

CAUTION: Confusing, yet yummy metaphor coming up in the conclusion of this blog. 

When thinking about these types of humor, the planned and the unplanned, think of a cake. The planned humor is the cake; it is yummy, spongy and tastes great. But the spontaneous humor is the frosting; it is creamy, soft, decadent, and leaves a sweetness in your mouth that makes you yearn for more. Both types of humor are needed to bake the perfect cake. However, from the individual's point of view who consumes the cake, only one can have the lingering impact and that my friends is the frosting of spontaneous humor.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Using Humor in Your Assessments "Oh no, is that legal?"

So far this blog has covered the many advantages of using humor in instruction, however we have danced, tippy-toed, scooted by, skirted around, slid over and dodged the idea of formalizing humor in our classrooms through the PRINTED WORD and even more so, THE TEST!!! Yikes! Is there room for humor in our assessments? Is it even appropriate to be funny in a test? After all a test is serious business!

Well... Let's not try to answer these worldly questions all by ourselves. Let us turn to research to find out the truth about humor on test items and sewn so seamlessly into the fabric of assessment. According to a research study conducted McMorris, R., Urbach,S., & Connor, M.  (1985) , middle school students took a grammar test which resembled the format of state standardized testing. The students then completed questionnaires evaluating their test anxiety, their perception of items level of difficulty, their attractiveness to a humorous test format, and their actual score in the assessment.

Their results indicated that there were no large discrepancies between the scores of the students with the humorous test items as opposed to the students with the non-humorous test items. However, more number of students reflected that:

  • the test items seemed easier
  • their anxiety during the test was reduced, and
  • they liked/ preferred a humorous format over a non-humorous format.
So hallelujah! The students enjoyed the assessment in a more relaxing piece of mind. And isn't that so our goal anyways? That students feel relaxed while being assessed, so that we can quickly and effectively determine what instruction has worked effectively and what instruction needs to be repeated in a new and different way. So, the next time that you are making a test, add a few punch lines to some of the questions. Here are some examples to get your creative humor juices jump-started. 

1.) The ___________ pumps the blood all over the body.
a.) lungs
b.) heart
c.) little monkeys from the zoo
d.) arteries

2.) Fill in the blank with a word from the word box.  Magnets with like poles _______________.
                    attract       repel             talk              dance

3.) When you are done with your test you should.
a.) put it in the homework bin
b.) run around the room with it above your head shouting free answers to the highest bidder 
c.) crumble it up into a ball and shoot a 3-pointer into the waste bin.
d.) I don't know. I give up. 

Remember it is up to you to keep the excitement going in your classroom. It is one of the most difficult tasks that you are charged with as a teacher. There is no secret formula for success or any magic happy pills that you can feed the students (it's wrong and illegal anyways) to get them up and motivated. So, use what you have got. Your humor. Add humor to test questions to reduce student stress, increase students perceptions of the assessment and make the test seem easier and more enjoyable to students. Don't worry, you would be doing the right thing! 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

What Happens to All the Funny Children?

Many people view humor as something that belongs on T.V. or movies, in late night clubs, or enjoyed amongst close friends around food or drink. However, these people are looking at humor through only one perspective: the entertainment perspective. Humor is a fun-damental part of human nature. It exists in every culture, amongst all people and for as far back as historians have studied. Humor is part of who we are as humans and therefore should be embraced in every facet of life. 

Unfortunately, this has not always been the case. Humor was seen as taboo in work settings and schools for a long time. People associated work and school as a place for serious business and not a place of amusement. "Children in school who show aptitude for music get sent to the music room, children with aptitude for art get sent to the art room, and children with an aptitude for humor get sent to the principal’s office," (Morell, 1991, p.359) Interesting quote! And isn't it so true? Those kids who just can't contain their humor in school, find themselves in trouble. Why does that have to be the case?

A recent review of literature by Robert and Yan ( 2007) have delved into the relationships between humor and creativity as well as humor and work performance. The literature that they cite, show that we would be doing our coworkers, and our students a large disservice by excluding humor from schools. Instead, we must embrace humor to help ourselves embrace each other (metaphorically of course, unless you ask permission first). 

Hay (2001) points out that there are many possible behavioral responses to humor, however laughter and smiling are only two of them. (Hmmm, I wonder what some of the other responses are.)  One of these behavioral responses may just be creativity. Yes, it is creativity! The very essence of what it means to be an amazing student in America. ( Note: other countries may or may not feel the same way depending on their philosophy of education.) But, yes, here in America we want our students to be more creative to "think outside of the box."  Robert and Yan cite much research (Abramis, 1992; Caudron, 1992; Therrien, 2004) to support the claim that humor enhances or stimulates creative thinking. According to Barker (2002), humor may ‘‘widen pathways among the brain’s lobes’’ (p. 168).  Another theory proposed by Ziv (1988) suggests that the positive mood caused by humorous situations may reduce anxiety when voicing unique or original ideas. Therefore, teachers it is time to break out the comics, the stand-up (or sit-down jokes), the satire, the big guns** ( **I am not promoting guns at school. It is an idiom.) We need those resources to develop students who are more able to take risks in order to share original ideas which will widen their brain's pathways.

Speaking about a reduction in anxiety, research shows that humor may also help increase job satisfaction and productivity. That claim seems to be fair and make sense. I would rather do a task which is enjoyable or fun as opposed to a task that is too serious. Why wouldn't my coworkers or students feel similar? In a study exploring the effects of sense of humor and a humorous situations on stressful tasks, Abel and Maxwell (2002), discovered that being exposed to a humorous stimulus alleviated anxiety and increased positive affect. "Individuals’ sense of humor, and presumably their ability to interpret life events through the lens of humor, also appears to moderate the influence of both positive and negative life events such that a sense of humor is more strongly associated with positive affect after both positive and negative life events," (Martin, Kuiper, Olinger, & Dance, 1993). So, it's up to you to use that humor for the betterment of your colleagues and your students. 

Research shows that humor has a place in school. And not only does it have a place, it has a meaningful place in helping teachers and students to become more creative, as well as helping everyone to love their jobs ( be it teaching or learning) more and even perform better at them, too! So, what happens to all of the funny children? Let's hope that they grow up to be funny adults, so they can be more creative, productive and motivated individuals in their place of work! 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The High-Fives of Humor

As an elementary school teacher, I often start and end my day with high-fives. These high-fives are a way for me to (appropriately) connect with students. What does a high-five really mean to a child? Probably not as much a a good laugh. Using humor in the classroom is one of the deepest ways to connect with your students. Why you ask? Oh no, do I have to cite a bunch of research now to twist your arm into believing me? Fine! Here you go you research junkie!

According to Cornett (1986) and Kelly (1983), humor can facilitate learning in the classroom in the following ways:

  1. It attracts attention and provokes thought, helping to hone the skills of prediction, decision making, recall, problem solving, and visual imagery.
  2. It liberates creative capacities, helping students to discover incongruous relationships and solve serious problems in creative ways.
  3. It helps gain friends, promote group membership, and deal with awkward moments.
  4. It improves communication and develops vocabulary and reading skills through the use of puns, figurative language, homonyms, and homophones.
  5. It helps to deal with difficult moments.
  6. It can be an entry into the study of other cultures and reflects a group's cultural values.
  7. It promotes good health and can be effective in dealing with tension, especially prior to test taking.
  8. It develops a positive attitude and self-image, assisting in classroom discipline, conflict resolution, and diffusion of tension.
  9. It motivates and energizes.
  10. It reinforces desired behaviors.

Now, with all of those benefits how could you refuse to use humor in your classroom. There is no denying the endless amount of benefits humor bestows upon a classroom, a teacher and the students!
So let me give you a little high-five to help you integrate humor into your classroom.

In Provine's literature on integrating humor (2000), there are five tactics and results associated with the integration of humor.
  1. Make interpersonal eye contact helps to set the mood for students when using humor. It also helps to establish a deeper relationship between the teacher and student. 
  2. Create a casual, caring, safe and fun-loving environment is necessary, so that students can relax and enjoy the learning experience as they open up to you and the curriculum. Students should be eager to actively participate in every aspect of the classroom. 
  3. Adopt a laugh- ready attitude. When teachers are able to laugh at the silliness of their curriculum or day to day situations that arise, they create an atmosphere where students can also let go of inhibitions to share in the laughter and joy of learning. The students absolutely love when their teacher laughs at themselves! ( Whenever, I make a mistake, I blame it on Monday Brain. The students always laugh and yell out, "It's Wednesday!" and I just say, " yeah well I forgot to take Monday brain off when Monday was over." This gets them rolling with laughter every time. 
  4. Provide humorous material and examples for students, especially if you want them to become a humor producer themselves or you can just provide students with humorous examples, assignments, tests, and quizzes to help build their motivation and learned content. 
  5. Remove social inhibitions. Make it okay for laughter to ring out in your classroom. When students are comfortable, they are more prepared to learn. Make it okay to produce, appreciate and/or share in the laughter. 
So, there you have it! The high-fives of creating humorous classrooms as outlined by Provine. Are there other high-fives in education that we should be made aware of? Absolutely! Check out the list to the right of this post. Click on the picture of the high-fives, so that you can read the funny lists about humor and teachers. 

One of my favorites is: Top 5 Things Teachers Do with Their Spare Time.
1. What spare time? Don't have any! 

Take a moment to check out the other lists. They are from the book, The Laughing Classroom. A book worth finding because it has so many different ideas of how to increase laughter in your classroom. Good luck with your continued quest to be the funniest teacher you can be!

Monday, October 24, 2011

I Want to... But I Just Can't...50 Excuses

So, you are intrigued to become a more enjoyable teacher, and you've read some of my other posts that could help you get there, but you are still stuck.

You Want To... But You Just Can't

Ronald A Berk (that professor from Mars) in his book Professors are From Mars and Students are from Snickers reminds teachers that:
It has been estimated ( not sure by who) that people remember:
10% of what they hear
30% of what they see
60% of what they hear and see
80% of what they hear, see and do
100% of what they hear, see, do, smell, feel, taste, inhale, inject, and purchase on credit.

Therefore, if we are going to get 100% of our students to meet standards as measured by testing such as the ISAT or better known as (I Stink At Testing or Illinois' Stupid Ability Test or Is Standardization Always Trustworthy), then we better use humor to ensure that they are fully engaged, receptive, tuned-in, turned-on, and progressing towards mastery or at least towards laughter.

If this isn't enough un-cited research to convince you that you should be using more humor for the good of the students, then click on the picture to the right. This picture will lead you to 50 Excuses for Not Laughing in the Classroom. You may suffer from some of these symptoms. Have no fear, your educational doctor (ate student) is here.

Let's take a moment to cure the top 10 symptoms on this list!

1.) I tried it once and it didn't work. 
What would have happened if Edison said that the first time he tried to invent the lightbulb?

2.) Our school is highly academic.
First, I have to say... I hope so... then point to the multitudes of research that shows humor helps students retain information.

3.)The students are already hysterical.
Great... that means you don't have to be that good!

4.) I will have to ask my principal first.
Really? Okay fine then. If it makes you feel comfortable, then ask. Start with something like, "According to a whole bunch of research to increase engagement, classroom climate and memory, I would like to..."

5.)The children might miss their busses.
Avoid using humor the last 15 minutes of the day to allow students to pack up in time to catch their busses.

6.) I'm not dressed for the occasion.
Really? What were you planning on wearing a Bozo the Clown costume? Right apparel not needed.

7.) I don't have time for such non-sense.
Then why are you doing all that other non-sense? Make time.

8.) It's not proper training for the real world.
Okay, this may be my opinion, but I rather hire the guy or gal who is personable, witty and engaging then the numb one.

9.) I might get laugh lines.
That's what Botox is for.

10.) I don't do stand-up comedy. 
No one is asking you to do stand-up comedy. You can certainly sit down too!

Some of my other favorite excuses include...

31.) I'm too old to start laughing now.
Don't worry, there is no age limit.

33.) What if I lose face?
You can go look for it, or teach without one.

41.) I'm saving it for summer vacation.
Without laughter, be prepared for a year that feels like 20 years. 

43.) I read that laughter destroys brain cells.
I think you are getting laughter confused with something else.

So, don't be a party pooper by getting yourself stuck at one of these road blocks. Create your own pathway, trail, or road to a laughing classroom. If you come to a roadblock, pull out your list of 5o excuses and ask for help finding a better path or at least one that ends at an ice cream shop.

There is no time, like laughing time and there is no better time to laugh, then now!

Do it here, do it there, do it everywhere.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Delivering Humor Effectively in the Classroom

So, you want to be a fun teacher, or do you want to be a funny teacher? There is a difference. A fun teacher makes the class enjoyable, whereas a funny teacher makes the class hysterical. A fun teacher's lesson makes the material more easily memorized, whereas a funny teacher makes the material more memorable. I choose to be a funny teacher who has fun lessons. There are many reasons why I choose to be the funny teacher. 

1.) The students love what is unexpected, and a teacher cracking jokes is at the top of that list.
2.) Humor builds a positive climate in my classroom.
3.) The curriculum becomes more fun for everyone and therefore easier to learn and remember. 
4.) I like my job more.
5.) Do I really need to think of another point to convey my point?

While the first three are important points, the fourth one is the most important point to me. Come on- a teacher's happiness is the root of all happiness in the classroom. If I keep my spirits up, I keep the students engaged and their spirits even higher. After all kids are naturally spirited folks, so I don't even need to be a professional comedian. Just about anything out of the ordinary tickles their funny bone enough to invoke laughter.

So, let's say that you are not the Jedi Master of Humor. How can you make yourself more humorous? Good news, this guy Ronald A Berk wrote this book Actually, "the original title of the book was 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, but he ran into some legal snags." So the new book was instead titled...( Wait for it...) Professors are From Mars and Students are From Snickers.  And isn't that so true. Though we come from different planets, we are both chocolate, but I guess the kids are more nutty (Snickers, get it? Maybe I didn't need to explain that one).
So if you want to be nutty too, remember these tips to get your humor on.

1.) If you stink at spontaneity, pre-plan your humor!- Find a funny cartoon, a hyperbole, a ridiculous image, an outrageous simile, metaphor, idiom, joke, or artichoke about your topic. Don't fear, use google to find these!

2.) Timing is everything! Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it... Don't be in a rush to deliver the punch line. A dramatic pause leaves every student hanging off the tip of your tongue. (Not literally, thank goodness!)

3.) Involve your Audience in the action. Ask them a humorous question, give a funny quiz, have them shout out answers. Use the participation to build the tension before punch lines or to add silly movements to a sit and get presentation. When asking my students to get ready for white board exercises in math. I have them practice doing biceps curls and military presses with their white boards. This always gets a good response. Remember the most memorable activities involve your audience to write, speak, shout, move, stand, raise their hand or smack the person next to them (preferably with a blunt object). 

4.) Keep the students entertained by varying your voice! No one wants to listen to "Bueller... Bueller... Bueller," in a monotone voice. You are an actress (or actor) and you are on a stage. Heck you are famous, (at least to these 30 wide eyed children in front of you). So, take advantage. Use emotion, funny voices, dramatic pauses, screeching, shrills, noise effects, bodily sounds and songs to really make an impact on your student memories. Remember when it comes to voice level, tone and speed, the unexpected will always result in what you hope to expect... laughter!

5.) When you have nothing good left to say, spice up the curriculum with your face and body gestures. Your body tells more of the story than your voice. You have to paint a picture of funny in the students minds, so what you say is not as dramatic as what you do. Each point needs a funny face or dramatic acting to drive the point home. The more you act, the more engaged the students are. They forget that they are watching a teacher and start to feel that they are watching a movie or t.v. The only down side is the paycheck that you receive for your phenomenal acting skills. 

CAUTION: When implementing these tips, students may die of laughter, pee their pants, have crazy laughing fits or even worse love coming to school every day!

Remember, you want your students to remember the material! You want your students to remain engaged (after all increased engagement leads to less behavioral referral paper work for you). You want to love your job. So be the classroom comedian that I know that all of you can be!

If you are having trouble implementing the strategies above, please turn on your local comedy central and start taking notes.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Humor Styles and their Effects in the Classroom

So you want to be a comic teacher? Did you know that there are actually different types of humor? According to Romero and  Cruthirds ( 2006 ), there are multiple humor styles that can be employed in the classroom and even workplace. Caution: Not all Humor Styles are effective in all situations. Don't worry, I can be your guide and lead you to the best possible humor styles for each of the specific diverse moments that you experience in school as a teacher and as a coworker. Oh don't worry, I am not making this stuff up, I am by no means the expert, I am simply going to translate the research of Romero and Cruthirds into teacherneese. After all they are from the business world, so without a guide as competent as me in both languages, much of the research could be lost in translation.
So what are those Humor Styles? Have no Fear, a Brief List is Right Here!
  • Affiliative Humor- This is the joke telling, joking around, positive, good-natured type of humor. This type of humor brings people together. 
  • Self-Enhancing Humor- This type of humor is the one displayed by people who are looking to have a more humorous look on life.  People use this type of humor to have a more positive look on life, like a coping mechanism (probably a more healthy approach than alcohol). 
  • Aggressive Humor- This is the more negative style of humor. It is used to manipulate others through the threat of ridicule! (If you want to keep your job, it may be a good idea to stay away from this type of humor.)
  • Mild Aggressive Humor- This type of humor is aggressive humor watered down (without scotch or any other strong form of mind altering substances).   It's used as a playful way to disagree or convince others to change their behavior. 
  • Self-Defeating Humor - This type of humor is used to downgrade yourself. People use this style to bring their own status down, by exposing their faults or at least their faults in a humorous way.
So what does this all mean in the school setting? Well, nothing if you don't choose to use it.  Well the good news is that this information is actually meaningful to a teacher. Let's pick apart some day to day scenarios that you may face as a teacher and how you can turn to humor to.... well to do ..... something.
  1. SCENARIO 1- Getting your classroom to feel united can be a daunting task when so many students (30!), from too many different backgrounds, inhabiting a room smaller than their house, that often smells of old socks ( lack of deodorant) and feels like the Sahara desert ( No air- conditioning).  Well HUMOR can help!   Look just there I used affiliative humor to joke about the classroom situation. Every time, I bring up these facts to my students, they always roll around on the floor exhausted from laughter. We have so much fun joking about our horrible classroom conditions, that we feel more connected living in them for 6 hours a day together!
  2. SCENARIO 2- Getting through the students' ears and into their brains can be difficult when the students are having to learn boring material in insufferable conditions. Turn to HUMOR, it can be your co- teacher, your attention grabber, your.... mental magnet, so to speak! As I see my students sinking into their chairs becoming melting more and more into their desks, I pull out my mild aggressive humor to help shape their behaviors. I begin to poke a little innocent fun and the way they are melting and falling into their desks. I ask them if I am really so boring that a nap seems more appealing! I tease them innocently about how they are like limp puppets that need to be brought back to life! The kids get a kick out of all of the comparisons and are eager to come back to our classroom discussion or activity more engaged and better behaved. So guys (Greatbatch & Clark, 2002), discovered that humor increases motivation, enhances listening, and understanding of the messages teachers are trying to deliver. 
  3. SCENERIO 3- Relating to the students can be so hard in the classroom because you want them to view you (the teacher) as the authority, but at the same time, you want them to know that you like everyone in the world are human. You struggled as a kid (or maybe you still do) with many of the same behaviors/ academics that you are helping them with.  Use self-defeating humor to bring your status down to their level, so that they can connect better to you. I always try to make jokes about my self and my horrible spelling or the number of warning slips I received as a student for my non-stop talking disability (well at least I thought that it was uncontrollable, so therefore must be a disability). The kids get a kick out of my slamming my own weaknesses, and then feel more connected to me. They begin to realize that I am not judging them. I am just like them. 
There are so many benefits of using humor in the classroom and around it. You can take these humor styles and use them to better communicate with your students, relate to their needs, shape their behavior and create more cohesive classrooms. Humor could be your answer to many of life's problems, except  for why fried eggs always stick to stainless steel pans, and why the strawberries always spoil before you can finish them. OK, so maybe HUMOR can be your answer to just some of life's problems.